I am a painter living and working in New York City. Upon my arrival, my first job was working for Linda Fargo in the Broadway windows at Macy’s Herald Square.
I attended the Studio School of Painting and Scupture on 8th Street in Greenwich VIllage where the primary focus is drawing and painting from nude models and still life. The School of VIsual Arts (SVA) in Chelsea is where I received my Master of FIne Art. My influences while there included ongoing discussions with Robert Mangold, ELizabeth Murray, WIll Insley, and BIll Agee. My early work before I arrived in NYC was influenced by the New York Minimalist School.
In NYC I witnessed the end of minimalism and the reintroduction of recognizable imagery in painting. As I experienced artists and the art scene transitioning from Soho to the vibrant emerging multilayered East VIllage, to Chelsea, to the Lower East Side, to Brooklyn, to the world, my subsequent work maintained minimalism as a foundation while incorporating the spirit of the recognizable imagery movement.

Werner R. Thomas Biography
School of Visual Arts, Master of Fine Art
New York City, 1987
New York Studio School of Painting & Sculpture
New York City, Summer 1985
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Bachelor of Arts, 1980
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2020 Twelve Windows
Chelsea, NYC, Solo Exhibition
2017 Twelve Windows
Chelsea, NYC, Solo Exhibition
2014 Galerie BE-Espace
Paris, Solo Exhibition
2011 Galerie BE-Espace
Paris, Two Person Exhibition
2004 Galerie BE-Espace
Paris, Group Exhibition
2002 Synchronicity Fine Arts
Greenwich Village, NYC
July 16-Aug 10, 2 Person Exhibition
2002 Synchronicity Fine Arts
Greenwich Village, New York
Jan 8 -Feb 2, XIII Jury Exhibition
2001 Jay Grimm Gallery
Chelsea, NYC, May 31-June 28
Group Exhibition
2000 GalleryOneTwentyEight
Lower East Side, NYC
Sept 7-30, Group Exhibition
2000 GalleryOneTwentyEight
Lower East Side, NYC
Jan 5-30, Group Exhibition
1999 GalleryOneTwentyEight
Lower East Side, NYC
Dec 1-23, Solo Exhibition
1999 GalleryOneTwentyEight
Lower East Side, NYC
Dec 1-23, Group Exhibition
1998 Works On Paper
Philadelphia, PA
March, Group Exhibition
1989 Haggerty Museum of Art
Marquette University
Milwaukee, WI, Group Exhibition
1983 Ruth Volid Gallery
Chicago, IL, Group Exhibition